IV Therapy
IV therapy, also known as vitamin infusion therapy, is an effective solution for delivering important vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream.
Deficiencies of even a single nutrient result in altered immune responses even when the deficiency is mild. Obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases of metabolic and nutrition imbalance can have a significant negative impact on surgical outcomes and complications. Vitamins and minerals, such as carotenoids (orange in carrots), vitamins A and C, and selenium act as antioxidants.
For instance, a glutathione intravenous infusion works to detoxify the liver and fortify cells, while slowing down aging. Glutathione is a master antioxidant that, with age, continues to deplete making it difficult for the body to produce on its own. When levels run low, it’s possible to expose the body to serious diseases later on in life.
How you treat yourself in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond determines how you'll look and feel in the next decades of your life, but statistics show most people don't nourish their bodies correctly, impacting their outward appearance greatly.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 43% of American adults don't drink enough water a day. 36% of them only drink 1 to 3 cups, while 7% don't drink any at all.
In another report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 2/3 of American adults eat fruit less than 2 times a day, way lower than needed, while only 3/4 eat vegetables less than 3 times a day. Malnutrition and dehydration affect how your skin looks tremendously. The Turn Back Time IV drip helps compensate for that from Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Thiamine for cell growth, Glutathione, and 500ml saline solution.
People get sick. It happens. Some people don’t like to wash their hands after coughing or sneezing. It’s gross but what can you do? You can get the High Dose Vitamin C Defense drip that is made to help increase your body’s natural defenses. It’s a good way to avoid spending money on some medications or doctor’s visits. In addition to getting enough sleep, staying fit, and eating right, you can get the exact right vitamins and minerals to stop you from getting sick quick. It works better than drinking a gallon of orange juice, that’s for sure.
Vitamin infusions help you avoid getting sick, while motivating you to travel more, participate in sports, or even pick up a new hobby like yoga or Zumba.
Most people don't realize the impact that excellent nutrition can have on our overall mood and productivity. Partly because many people don't eat enough fruits and veggies or drink the recommended amount of water in the first place. In a world where eating out, drinking multiple cups of coffee, and relying on prescription medicine is the norm, no wonder it's hard to find energy to do something fulfilling.
Once in a while, we’ll have one drink too many or not get enough sleep for whatever reason.
Though common, these situations make your body suffer from shear dehydration, putting your cells at risk of sickness. This is why you feel groggy and unmotivated to do anything the day after.
The fact is your brain needs to reset, so you can function.
The “Myers Cocktail” is the gold standard of delivering intravenous vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream. Dr. Myers, pioneered this use of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy (IVNT) in the 1960's. The nutrients included in this formula ( Calcium, Magnesium,Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin B and Vitamin C) are balanced perfectly for people new to IVNT and those needing a quick boost. Based on the Myers Cocktail formulation, we have built on the original formula of Dr. Myers. It is used to deliver vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, offering superior absorption over oral supplements.
The Myers Cocktail vitamin infusion helps you recharge your body after staying out way too late under the stars. Not only does it keep your body hydrated, it also amps up your energy levels so the immune system can continue fighting against germs or viruses that can cause you harm.
This IV drip pairs powerful nutrients such as Vitamin B6 with Magnesium Chloride to detoxify your cells, while giving you the willpower to get back up and running as normal.
It isn't normal to always feel mentally drained and exhausted after work. Our bodies are designed to sustain intense physical and mental activity if we replenish it properly.
This allows you to enjoy the best life has to offer well after you clock out of work.
But still--- most of us live stressed out from juggling too much to get ahead. When we're just missing out on life.
Remember that stress is a silent killer. Initially it causes poor decision-making, sharp declines in performance, limited creativity, mood swings and even conflict with those around you. Before you know it, it attacks your immune system and makes you age quicker, too.
This vitamin infusion strengthens your immune system so you can fight seasonal allergies, mild colds, or even the flu if taken consistently.
Overall Benefits:
Improve skin complexion over a series of glutathione drips by minimizing melanin
Look and feel younger by keeping your cells healthy and strong
Empower your body's detoxification process, so you operate effectively
Encourage cell revitalization and regeneration
Improve overall body energy and metabolism
Detoxify the liver and cells, so you're protected against diseases
Also known as the “body’s super hero”, glutathione is one of the most vital antioxidants in the body that protects cells from disease, while making your skin look brighter and more beautiful.
Consistent glutathione IV infusions can help you brighten your skin complexion.
Unfortunately though, things like a poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections, and radiation all deplete the body's glutathione levels. This leaves us susceptible to cell disintegration from oxidative stress and free radicals, exposing our bodies to infections and cancers.
Our ability to produce and maintain a high level of glutathione in our bodies is critical to recovering from chronic illnesses. It helps us prevent disease, maintain optimal health, as well as improve our overall performance. Raising glutathione levels in the body can decrease muscle damage, reduce recovery time, increase strength and endurance, and shift metabolism from fat production to muscle development.
Glutathione recycles antioxidants in the body, playing a vital role in the detoxification process in our bodies. This regenerative antioxidant is so powerful that when at appropriate levels in our bodies it can keep us optimal. Most people see immediate benefits on the skin, often times lightening or whitening the skin complexion to a more desireable skin tone.
One of the best ways to obtain glutathione in your body is intravenously. Vitamins such as Vitamin B, B6, B12, folic acid, and Vitamin C are vital for the body’s ability to produce glutathione. Nutrient IV therapy provides a fast and effective way to absorb these nutrients in your body.
While a healthy diet and lifestyle can help to slow the body’s decline, supplementing these with regular glutathione IV infusions can help stimulate the body to produce more and thus maintain health and slow down the aging process.
One of our specialist would love to chat with you about your needs and our services that can help! Provide us your contact information and we will reach out to you to discuss next steps.